Month: October 2022

DISCIPLINE YOURSELF – Motivational Speech Speakers: Barack Obama Steve Harvey Simon sinek Dan Pena Chad William / TD Jakes Callum Janes (narrate Carl Jung) Sylvester Stallone Eddie Pinero David Goggins Joe Rogan Stephen Graham Brian Bullock Peter Dinklage Robin Sharma Rich Wilkerson Jr. Mike Tyson Tom Bilyeu Jim Ronh Denzel Washington Jay Shetty Matt Hagee
Do you have a mantra you use regularly? You might think not, but chances are there are a string of words you’re in the habit of repeating that harnesses your attention in a specific and focused way. And we know wherever our attention goes, matching manifestations follow. Here are a few “unintentional” mantras I’ve heard
Eckhart teaches the principles of manifesting your dreams based on the teachings of Buddha and Jesus. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart’s Teachings? Become a member today and join our growing YouTube community! Did you find this short preview video helpful? Do you want
Vine is a demon listed in demonological grimoires such the Lesser Key of Solomon, Johann Weyer’s Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, and Jacques Collin de Plancy’s Dictionnaire Infernal. These texts rank Vine as a King of Hell commanded by Satan, but also listed as an Earl. He leads 36 legions of Demons. He is called the Revealer, because
🔥 Pour découvrir le guide pratique de ton Human Design ​: Si tu ne connais pas le Human Design mais que les pseudo-sciences comme l’astrologie, la lithothérapie etc t’ont toujours intéressé je t’invite à découvrir ce système super intéressant ! Je t’explique c’est quoi le #HumanDesign et en quoi ça consiste, pourquoi et comment