Month: September 2022

你試過被人無視或被重用嗎? 你的意見就如空氣或被視作真知灼見? 你曾被誤會為被動兼懶惰的人嗎? 你很多時感到很疲累力不從心嗎? 你心裡時常有句潛台詞 ”我一早話你啦” 你往往能看清大局但從來無人問津? 你了解自己身價嗎? 你苦澀又失落,時常感到懷才不遇的原因是父母不懂你是誰,社會又不懂你是誰導致你亦未能100%了解認識真正的你,以及你能為他人/世界帶來的珍貴價值-指導! 世事都給你看透了,這正正是每一位投射者具備的慧眼,懂人性,懂心理,懂世情一針見血,獨到的見解全都是投射者與生俱來的能力。可惜作為大慨得22%人口比例的小眾加上現代人講求生產力及節拍迅速的香港,我們往往被視為不勤力不主動墮懶的一群人,而我們這些珍貴的內在特質不容易被他人看見,導致我們一度質疑自己的能力,沒有了生命的方向感,對未來充滿不確定性感到迷惘,加上傳統教育制度亦沒有針對性的敎育,父母缺乏了人類設計這套系統的認知更不知從何入手指導我們如何成材,一塊瑰寶就白白地浪費了。 [ 學習人類設計 ] 1. 人類設計活出你的設計圖課程 2022 (網上版) 報名連結: 能量投資:$1680 早鳥價:$1280 (29/9 – 8/10) Early Bird Discount Code: 2022reboot (記得要輸入 Discount Code,登記後不設退款) (舊有網上學校 LYD 學生特別優惠稍後將會收到另外安排的電郵) 2. 投射者之道一天網上工作坊 報名連結: 能量投資:$800 50% Off Discount 優惠價:$400 (09.30 – 10.13) Discount Code: projector (記得要輸入 Discount Code,登記後不設退款) 聯絡 New
❇️ Join 30 Days Challenge to Daily Magic Practice – Hello All In this Video Mitesh Sir is inviting you to a Challenge to Practice Law of Attraction for 30 Days and Create Magical Results in your Life. Are you ready to Accept the 30 Days Challenge to Practice Law of Attraction? Accept The
À l’appel de plusieurs syndicats, une journée de mobilisation interprofessionnelle est prévue ce jeudi sur tout le territoire. Au cœur des craintes et des revendications : le pouvoir d’achat mais aussi la réforme des retraites. Une mobilisation qui n’inquiète pas l’exécutif qui compte faire passer sa réforme coûte que coûte. ABONNEZ-VOUS pour plus de vidéos
▹ Boost Your Immune System With Dr. Zelenko’s Z-Stack – Use coupon code Inspired 👉🏽 ▹ ALL INSPIRED links in one place 👉🏽 OUR Favorite Books & Other Products 👉🏽 ▹ OUR GIFT TO YOU – Thousands of people have benefitted greatly from this FREEDOM & ABUNDANCE process 👉🏽 ▹ If
Illustration via 99designs “Get a stack of postcards. And every time you want to send a text message, send them a two-week postcard instead.” — Rolf Potts Rolf Potts (@rolfpotts) is the author of the international bestseller Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel. His newest book is The Vagabond’s Way:
The gate 18 in Human Design is known as the gate of correction. Here’s what it’s all about. To learn more about this gate and all of the gates of the spleen, check out my course on Splenic Authority. like, subscribe, share Check out my offerings at my website… Subscribe to my newsletter…
❇️ Join 30 Days Challenge to Daily Magic Practice – Hello All In this Video Mitesh Sir is inviting you to a Challenge to Practice Law of Attraction for 30 Days and Create Magical Results in your Life. Are you ready to Accept the 30 Days Challenge to Practice Law of Attraction? Accept The
MysticMag has the privilege of gaining some insight into the world of Tricia Barker and her experience as an NDEr. Tricia is a teacher, in addition to practicing Theta Healing, Intuitive Readings and Medium Readings. Would you say that your bond with other near-death-experiencers is unique, and something quite unattainable for others? I’m not sure
Stop listening to lies about the law of assumption and start understanding the law of the universe correctly so you can manifest your desires for real with little to no effort! LINK FOR TICKETS TO MY WEBINAR MASTER YOUR REALITY ON THE 30/09/2022 3PM ROME STANDARD TIME: LINK TO MY NEW COURSE MANIFEST A
🌷TO BOOK A PERSONAL SESSION : Join on Patreon 1. Tarot + Intuitive Reading Session ( DOB will be good) – 150$ 2. Twinflame Astrology Reading – 150$ (Complete Birth Details with Location+ Time and DOB) THERAPIES (Video/ Audio + Messenger) 1. Transmutation of Anger / Negativity towards Twinflame (DM/DF) into Love –
🔔 Never miss a wonderful segment: —- 🎁 Life Changing books by Abraham Hicks – —- 🖥️ Our Website: ✍️ Our Patreon: — 📺 More on our channel: ➨ How to make invisible stuff visible and real? – ➨ This is how you ask for money without resistance. –
ATTRACT PURE CLEAN POSITIVE ENERGY l MANIFEST ANYTHING FROM THE UNIVERSE l MEDITATION MUSIC by Meditation and Healing. #ATTRACTPURECLEANENERGY #POSITIVEENERGY #MANIFESTANYTHING #MEDITATIONMUSIC 🙏 Namaste, Meditation and Healing is a YouTube channel which serves you the best meditation, healing, relaxing and sleep music. Our music is composed with different kinds of instrument blending with 432 Hz,
Zur Mediathek: “Auf die Frage: „Wer bist Du?“ sind wir geneigt, mit unserem Namen, unserem Alter, Herkunft, Ausbildung oder Job zu antworten. Doch was bliebe übrig, wenn wir diese Informationen wegließen? Welchen Grund hat unsere Reaktion auf innere oder äußere Ereignisse? Wonach streben wir und was treibt uns an? Alle diese Fragen werden existenziell