The Egyptians referred to Ra as “the Word”:
I am the Eternal, I am Ra
I am that which created the Word
I am the Word.
This passage comes from the Book of the Dead which is the oldest text in the world. Thousands of years later, this verse reappeared in the King James Bible:
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
Ra is the primeval mantra of creation, a masculine sound that can be used in meditation. This yellow, tetrahedral energy from the solar plexus can purify us from within and activate our highest self. When we do this, we can begin to manifest our dreams.
As the divine masculine, Ra creates a shape that is not a circle but still uses π. This is the Reuleaux triangle (at centre below) otherwise known as the face of the Sphinx. This pattern corresponds to the three that are one—light, spirit and soul:
In Egyptian mythology, Ra was the Sun God and the king of all the deities. Ra was so powerful that some have argued that the entire Egyptian religion was some form of veiled monotheism. This seems to be an overstatement, but it underlines Ra’s primary position within the religious texts as a facsimile of Atum. Below there is one serpent emerging from the circle, symbolising creation.
The was, heart and ankh symbolise power, truth and life.